Is Your Hesitation The Reasons Investors Hesitate On You? – Natu Myers of Raises.com
In talking to us, you may have been offered a Raises.com system and perhaps you’re waiting for assets to liquidate or for a deal to close on a smaller scale before you’re able to raise income. In this video, I will address this and walk through what that can look like. Many in the business buying or real estate niche are deal makers, and as soon as they understand that it takes some capital to set up a fund, they resort to waiting for a deal to close before they’re able to set up a fund or proper private placements. This is a common trend, like the chicken and the egg scenario, as it creates a causal loop. (why do investors require higher returns for some investments)
It’s a causal contradiction because it’s the same thing as somebody who has no job because they have no experience. In other words, somebody who is not where they want to be with regards to not having a fund or not knowing how to set up private placements or not having the team to set up private placement at a cheap cost and having the investor relationships. Many people believe that when they have these professionals doing this on their behalf, they lack the confidence at the current moment that they’ll be able to get new deals closed to recoup the cost of hiring the professionals to build out their private placements. In plain English, you’re not where you want to be because you don’t have the confidence that the professionals who help you get to where you want to be will get you there, either because you don’t believe in yourself or you don’t believe in the fact that the law states that you must have the proper private placement memorandum to work on your transactions. (why do investors require higher returns for some investments)
And just common sense would tell you that the more investors you talk to, the more likely you are to close a deal. We cannot believe in you more than you can believe in yourself. You can speak to us several times about getting investors to fund your deal, how quickly your private placements would get set up, and how many people and investors you talk to on a weekly basis, but if you don’t believe in your abilities to use these professionals to your benefit to improve what you’re currently doing, nobody can instill belief in you more than yourself. You just have to believe in your own abilities based on the data and on the fact that these are tried and true systems, these are the laws, and if you don’t believe in this, you don’t believe in yourself more than you don’t believe in anyone else. You must come to this with a form of faith. (why do investors require higher returns for some investments)
When you have all the proper documents and relationships, it makes sense that things will go your way and new deals will come. But if you revert back to saying, ‘I want to wait until I close a deal’ and stick to your previous level instead of reaching a new level, you’re putting yourself in a self-limiting paradigm for no reason. So, believe in yourself, know that you can do it, and take ownership. You will inevitably need accountants, lawyers, and professionals when you pay your taxes. Get an affordable accounting service, pay a lawyer if you need one, and pay professionals if you need them. There are some things that are just inevitable. So, depending on waiting for deals, you wouldn’t wait until you close another deal to work with an accountant, because you need to set up and pay your taxes. (why do investors require higher returns for some investments)
You would just get that accountants thing done with, because it’s always uncomfortable to go to the next level, and it’s always uncomfortable to stretch yourself and do something you haven’t done before. But to get what you want, that which you don’t have, you oftentimes have to do that which you haven’t done before. This may be why investors are not flocking to you, because many people reach out to investors and they wonder why a lot of investors say no or they say they have to do something before they invest in the deal, or the investors just have unspoken objections. But quite often, many of the people who try to reach out to investors have the same objections that investors give them, that they give professionals like accountants, lawyers, and everything. They say, “Oh, you know, I can’t really get an accountant or I can’t really get a lawyer or I can’t really get a capital raise firm to work with me because I need to wait until something happens till I’m able to do this.” Similarly, investors notice these patterns, because generally people attract people who are similar to them, and they’ll also notice investors who say, “Oh, you know, I don’t want to invest in this deal yet. (why do investors require higher returns for some investments)
It’s a causal contradiction because it’s the same thing as someone who has no job because they have no experience. In other words, someone who is not where they want to be, either not having a fund or not knowing how to set up private placements or not having the team to set up private placements at a cheap cost and having the investor relationships. Someone who doesn’t have any of that and is not where they want to be, and the reason they’re not where they want to be is because they lack confidence in their ability to close new deals with new skills, new contacts, and a new professional team building out their documents and investor outreach. Many people believe that when they have professionals doing this on their behalf, they lack the confidence at the current moment that they’ll be able to recoup the cost of hiring the professionals to build out their private placements. In plain English, you’re not where you want to be because you don’t have the confidence that the professionals who can help you get there will actually get you there, either because you don’t believe in yourself or you don’t believe in the fact that the law states that you must have proper private placement memorandums to work on your transactions. (why do investors require higher returns for some investments)